
Kalau soalan SPM..

Kalau tanya banyak2, kita mesti rasa tak selesa kan nak menjawabnya. Rasa nak cepat2 habis jek. Nasib baiklah soalan periksa kena jawab gak kalau nak dapat markah, terpaksa juga lah jawab kan. Hihi

Mood keputusan PMR masih membara2 lagi kan? Jom lah kita jawab soalan tag ni..(ada kaitan tak?) Tag dari Nadia. Nak kenal cepat usha blog beliau:p Sori Nadia, aku memang suka bab promote2 ni. Heh

Soalan adalah super duper banyak. Harap2 mood aku ok nak jawab sampai habis semua soalan. Agak2 malas, aku copy paste jek lah jawapan Nadia..hihi

Person who tagged : Nadia
Starting time : 4.21 pm on Saturday (25 Dec, 2010)

Name : Ijan
Full name : Nurizan
Sibling(s) : Ada abang, kakak, adik lelaki, adik perempuan. Jumlah semua rahsia. lol

Eye colour : Angan2 nya nak warna biru. Tapi tak dapatlah kan. Sah2 aku melayu;p
Shoe size : 8. Well, orang tinggi kaki mestilah panjang gak. Haha
Hair : Susah nak explain. lol
Height : 168cm. Tapi ni masa ukur nak masuk matrik. Sekarang rasa semakin merendah. Ke orang lain yang makin meninggi? haha

What are you wearing right now : T-Shirt dan seluar panjang. Sejuk!
Where do you live : Hostel
Favourite number : Ikut keadaan. Kalau zaman sekolah suka no. 1 sebab paling pandai. Masa U suka no.4 sebab 4 flat. Sekarang?
Favourite drink : Milo
Favourite month : Semua bulan!
Favourite breakfast : Oh, semua makanan adalah suka:)

-Have you ever-

Broken a bone : Tidak..
Been in a police car : Tidak..
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time : Tidak..
Swam in the ocean : Tidaklah ku tahu nak berenang. Keh
Fallen asleep in school : Mestilah selalu zaman sekolah. Kata pelajar cemerlang. Haha
Broken someone's heart : Hurm..
Cried when someone died : Ya!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Aktiviti favorite sampai sekarang
Saved e-mails : Ya!
Been cheated on : Ya! Jugak..


Your room look like : teratur. Tak suka bilik sepah2. Nasib baik dapat rumet sejiwa. Kalau tak, boleh buat gaduh. Haha
What is right beside you : Buku2 report lab fizik setinggi sejengkal untuk disemak, kopi panas, roti
What is the last thing you ate : roti coklat kismis

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox : Macam dah
Sore throat : Perkara biasa
Stitches : Tak pernah...

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight : Nope. Time to know each other is important for me. (copy paste jawapan Nadia. Dah malas nak komen. lol)
Like picnics? : Mesti!


Who did you last yell at? : Pakwe sendiri. lol
Who was the last person you danced with? : Sorang2 sudah..haha
Who last made you smile? : Pakwe sendiri gak.

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now? : Bilik senyap sunyi.
What did you do today? : Bangun pagi, basuh shawls dan tudung, lipat kain, sapu sampah bilik, masak lunch, tengok movie kat Youtube, marking lab report, and sekarang tengah update blog:)
Are you the oldest? : Tidak..
Indoors or outdoors? : Ikut mood.

-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone ? : Pakwe
Made you cry? : ....
Who cheered you up ? : my family, my sayangs & all of u! (jawapan Nadia gak:p)

-Have you-

Been to Mexico ? : Tidak..
Been to USA ? : Tidak...


Have a crush on someone? : Mesti..
What books are you reading right now? : Who Moved My Cheese?
Best feeling in the world? : ....
Future kids name? : ....

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? : Tidak

What's under your bed? : Nothing.
Favourite sport (s) : Hiking etc.
Favourite place : ....
Who do you really hate? : Ajar hati supaya tak membenci orang.
Do you have a job? : Half.

What time is it now?: 4.50 pm on Saturday (25 Dec, 2010). Lama kan? sebab berhenti telefon tadi. Hehe

p/s : with however long it took you to complete this, post as " banyak tanya betul!" and tag 15 people.

Malas lah. Boleh kan? Hehehe


  1. hoi..pekse mana boleh niru.. asek copy paste and blank je.. x aci.

  2. kan ni xde markah. bolehlah tiru n tinggal kosong. hehe

  3. shu tinggi 167cm dengan shoe size 5/6

  4. alamak shu. keciknya kaki. hihi
